Sunday, July 8, 2012


It’s been about two weeks and my latest brew is ready to journey from the carboy to the bottles. This particular brew is supposed to be an IPA but…seeing as I’m not much of an IPA person, I might have sweetened it out with a little too much honey. This is my first beer I wasn’t sure about.

siphoningOne issue I ran into was during the initial fermentation. The first burst of activity blew what hops I couldn’t filter out up into the throat of the carboy and into my blow off tube. This created a small issue when I changed out my blow off tube for the airlock. There was a crust that formed in the carboy throat and it was blocking everything. I ended up having to clear the block before I could put the airlock on.

Very carefully I used a sterilized spoon to clear it, while trying very hard to keep it from falling into the beer. I did pretty well, thankfully. After that it was all a waiting game.

After two weeks it was time to bottle. This is the first time I had a cloudy beer, I mean really cloudy. There was a lot of sediment at the bottom of the carboy and the beer itself was not as clear as I had hoped. Not a big deal but, like I said, I wasn’t too sure about this brew.

bottlingBottling went well with my usual setup. I used honey as my charging sugar for bottling. This time I used smaller grolsch bottles than I normally do. I did this with the intention to give some of this brew away and not loose my cobalt blue 16oz bottles.

There were no issues during bottling besides the fact that my auto siphon broke last time I bottled and I need to get a replacement. It still works but the curved neck broke off and the interior tube gets easily stuck in the outer tube…oh well, that’s a good excuse to go to the homebrew supply store.

I ended up with six 12oz and two 16oz bottles of beer. Keeping my fingers crossed on this one turning out.


  1. Did you buy a new auto siphon, Paul? You should buy one because it is important to make transferring your beer much easier. If you continue to use that broken siphon, most likely, it will caused your beer to spill. Anyhow, I noticed that your bottle doesn’t have a label. Don’t you have any plans to put a label on it?

  2. Rob, right now I need to buy a new one but I've been on the road so much I haven't been able to brew so...I will be buying a new one soon. I do have labels for my bottles, they had not come in from the printer so I didn't have them on my last batch. They came out great thanks to a friend's daughter who did all the coloring on them. I went with Grog Tag as my label supplier. I'll post more about it soon. I promise.
